
Monday, June 22, 2015

I created a mini album useing Graphic 45 Gilded Lily papers.

I fell in love with these gorgeous Gilded Lilly papers the moment  I saw them. 
It measures 9 x 7 x 3 1/2 inches

Inside front cover and page one. 

Page 1
Page 1

Page one opens. 
Pages 2 & 3

Page 2 opens with a pocket

Page 3
The wallet inside the lace pocket of page 3
Pages 4 & 5.
Page 4 opens up like page 2.

2 photo mats inside the doily envelope of page 5

Pages 6 a& 7
Lots of photo mats in the lace pocket of page 6.

Slide pictures inside the frames on page 7

Page 8 and inside back cover
Page 8 opens.

Inside back cover has a waterfall

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